
Fresh Lemon Print Blog


Artist in Residence

Colombian Printing Press 19th Century

In a first for North Metropolitan TAFE, typographic letterpress artist Phil Gambrill of Fresh Lemon Print was invited to spend ten weeks during Term 3 in the Print & Graphic Design building to re-energise the letterpress studio.

 After the bulk of the print facility was closed in 2016 and print apprentices in decline, the space is currently only utilised by students as part of their OHS training — with most new print and design students preferring digital pursuits. 

 Artists’ residencies are intrinsic to many artistic careers developing into important elements in the contemporary art scene connecting the local with the global art world. importantly, this local residency played an important role in facilitating ‘skill sharing’ in an open and experimental exchange of new ideas. It also became an invaluable adjunct to creating unique professional development opportunities for host staff and students.

 Whilst undertaking the residency Phil was free to explore typographic subjects that had long-term fascinated him; one of which was the ampersand letterform. Phil looked at the ampersand ligature in all of its shapes and forms and eventually settled upon an oversized Goudy italic font iteration as the centre piece.

 Part of the conditions of the residency was the acquisition of one of the editions for the permanent TAFE art collection. Gallery staff eventually settled on this large format, 1000mm x 700mm print as a celebration of the ‘partnership and ampersand’ — showcasing Phil’s trademark style of ink textures and overprints in this colourful, grungy, typographic poster. The background was created from various 30 and 40 line condensed fonts, all printed masterfully on TAFE’s 19th Century Colombian press.